Grace and Redemption Ministries

Community Outreach @ Grace & Redemption Ministries Here Are Some Areas That We Can Serve You

Community Outreach is our way of talking about ministries, which focuses our efforts both in the church-community and with the community at large. We teach principally from the three-community theory; the church, our neighborhood and our family structure. The church community is supported through ministry trainings, building projects and educational programming. The neighborhood community can be as close as around the corner from your local assembly or as far away as Sub-Saharan Africa.


Through this ministry tool, we gather resources through sponsored events to help address the targeted community’s immediate need. The final component identifies and serves to strengthen the family structure. Through workshops, retreats, mentoring programs and external partnerships, we believe that a family focused apparatus is the key to mending breached areas within the family structure. We believe, that this model of empowerment helps build unbreakable bonds within blended family structures.  Building the family, for us, is paramount!


In-Reach has become a number one priority for our outreach ministry. Our community outreach program is the on-going community-based tool for ministries, events and bridging the gaps through professional partnerships for our neighbors. Even beyond our local borders, we strive to influence other communities throughout the United States and around the world, fulfilling our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Christ.


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